ESMI Award Winner 2024
ELISABETH DE VRIES, Groningen (The Netherlands)
Professor of Medical Oncology at the University Medical Centre Groningen, The Netherlands

Prof. Elisabeth de Vries is recognised for her pioneering work in translating, from the laboratory to the clinic, novel radionuclide- and fluorescence-based imaging agents to detect cancer and its response to treatment.
She uses imaging in research that aims to increase the sensitivity of tumours to treatment, underlining the importance of imaging science for improving the outlook for cancer patients.
Elisabeth actively advocates a multidisciplinary approach with close interaction between all stakeholders and disciplines involved – from basic science to the clinic – including setting up robust clinical trials, which is crucial for improving diagnosis and treatment in oncology.
Elisabeth is an outstanding role model and leader who fully merits the highest award of the society for her innovative and game changing translational approach to advance and monitor treatment of cancer patients.
She received numerous awards and grants and is a member of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Fellow of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences, and (co)-authored >840 publications (H-index: 137).

ESMI Award Winner 2023
The Award Committee announced the winner 2023: the society’s highest honour is presented to PETER VAN ZIJL, Baltimore. Peter gave a Plenary on “Imaging of Molecules and their Interactions using the MRI Water Signal” at the EMIM 2023 in Salzburg.
Notice by the Committee
Peter has been making major contributions to the field of magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy for more than 30 years.
He is distinguished for his contributions to the development of localized spectroscopy and spectroscopic imaging, the study of diffusion anisotropy and the development of diffusion tensor imaging and fibre tracking, understanding of the mechanisms underlying the BOLD effect and most recently for his work in the field of chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST), where he conceived the idea of amide proton transfer (APT) technology. APT is being used in the clinic to grade tumours, distinguish recurrent tumour from treatment necrosis and to predict survival of glioma patients.

ESMI Award Winner 2022
The Award Committee announced the winner 2022: the society’s prestigious award 2022 is presented to RALPH WEISSLEDER, Boston. Ralph was awarded and presented a plenary lecture within the scope of the EMIM 2022 in Thessaloniki.

ESMI Award Winner 2021
The ESMI Award Committee announced the winner 2021: the society’s award 2021 is presented to SILVIO AIME, Torino for his outstanding contribution to the development of new categories of contrast agents for molecular imaging applications. Silvio was awarded within the scope of the EMIM 2021 in Goettingen.

ESMI Award Winner 2020
The ESMI Award 2020 was presented to SANJIV SAM GAMBHIR: a founding father of the field, a pioneer and visionary, a mentor and inspiration to so many of us.
Sam passed away in July 2020.
His attentive openness, wholehearted impartiality, and kindness, along with the clear but ever visionary focus on imaging science was truly exceptional – he made a vast impact on the world science and humanity.
Thanks so much, Sam!
Our deepest sympathy goes out to his wife and family.

ESMI Award Winner 2019
CONGRATULATIONS to MARKUS RUDIN from Zurich. THANKS a lot for your continuous, inspiring dedication for Imaging Science! The ESMI Award 2019 was presented within the scope of the EMIM 2019 in Glasgow. Markus presented an outstanding lecture on “Imaging – Structure, Function, Molecular Interactions“.

ESMI Award Winner 2018
CONGRATULATIONS to MICKAEL TANTER from Paris. You have been an inspiration for juniors and seniors – THANKS a lot. The ESMI Award 2018 was presented in the scope of the EMIM 2018 in San Sebastián. Mickael gave an excellent lecture on “Changes of Paradigm in Biomedical Ultrasound” which is available via the members portal.

ESMI Award Winner 2017
Congratulations to MARKUS SCHWAIGER from Munich and THANKS, for your continuous commitment and inspiring dedication for the interdisciplinary field of Imaging Science! The ESMI Award 2017 was presented in the scope of the EMIM 2017 in Cologne.

ESMI Award Winner 2016
The ESMI Award 2016 was presented in the scope of the EMIM 2016 in Utrecht. CONGRATULATIONS to PETER FRIEDL for sharing your excellent science with us and all the open-minded and inspiring discussions!

ESMI Award Winner 2015
The ESMI Award 2015 was presented in the scope of the EMIM 2015 in Tubingen. The winner 2015 is ADRIAAN LAMMERTSMA – congratulations and thanks for your continuous participation and dedication for Imaging Science, Adriaan!

ESMI Award Winner 2014
The ESMI Award 2014 was presented to HELMUT MAECKE from Freiburg in the scope of the European Molecular Imaging Meeting 2014 in Antwerp – congratulations!

ESMI Award Winner 2013
The ESMI Award 2013 was presented to KEVIN BRINDLE from Cambridge. Thanks for sharing your excellent science, for your commitment, and your passion for the interdisciplinary field of Imaging Science.

Award Selection Committee 2025
Nominations are done by the Governing Board. The Award Selection Committee consists of the recent five ESMI Past Presidents (not in office anymore). In 2024/2025:
- Kevin Brindle, Cambridge
- Giannis Zacharakis, Heraklion
- Frauke Alves, Göttingen
- Hervé Boutin, Tours
- Michal Neeman, Rehovot
WINNER 2013-2024
- Elisabeth de Vries, Groningen
- Peter van Zijl, Baltimore
- Ralph Weissleder, Boston
- Silvio Aime, Torino
- Sanjiv (Sam) Gambhir, Stanford
- Markus Rudin, Zurich
- Mickael Tanter, Paris
- Markus Schwaiger, Munich
- Peter Friedl, Nijmegen/Houston
- Adriaan Lammertsma, Amsterdam
- Helmut Maecke, Freiburg
- Kevin Brindle, Cambridge
- Annemie van der Linden, Antwerp