The ESMI Job Board is a well-established resource with an excellent coverage. It reflects the multidisciplinary community and helps you finding the perfect candidate for your open position.


This service is offered free of charge for ESMI members. All listed offers are included in our regular “Open Positions in Imaging Science” newsletter sent out to 3000+ international imaging scientists.

Open positions sorted by stage of career:

postDoc positions

London, UK

Preclinical Liver MRI

Antwerp, Belgium


Edinburgh, UK

PET Data Analysist and Modeller

Houston, USA

Radiochemistry & Theranostics Approach

Paris, France

Functional Ultrasound Imaging

Umeå Sweden

3D Optical Imaging of Infection

Dallas, USA

Molecular Imaging

Dallas, USA

In Chemistry to design new Molecular Imaging Agents

Dallas, USA

Physics | Engineering

Dijon, France

Research Engineer in organic Chemistry

New York, USA


PhD positions

Paris, France

Cardiac Imaging

Münster, Germany

Biology or (Bio)-medicine for micro-PET/CT and -PET/MRI

Ghent, Belgium

Development of Nanocrystals for lymphatic and intravenous Imaging

Cambridge, UK

Neonatal Neuroimaging

Muenster, Germany

Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, or Biomedical Engineering

Antwerp, Belgium

Several Postions in Multimodal super-resolution Tomography of the Neurodegenerative Mouse Brain

Vienna, Austria

Preclinical Imaging (PET/MRI)

Barcelona, Spain

Development of Micro/Nano Particulate Imaging Agents for Cardiovascular Diseases

Faculty positions

Aachen, Germany

W1, Tenure Track W2 in Mesoskopische and Superresolution | Imaging Technologies

Norman, USA

Director of Stephenson School of Biomedical Engineering & Professor of Biomedical Engineering


Industry positions


This service is offered free of charge for ESMI members. All listed offers are included in our regular “Open Positions in Imaging Science” newsletter sent out to 3000+ international imaging scientists.

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