Importance & Purpose

The Oncoimmunology and Therapy study group strongly believes that in vivo imaging is an essential part of the translation of new concepts and immunotherapies to the benefit of patients, by facilitating:

  • studies to further improve our mechanistic understanding of the immune system
  • studies to better understand the mechanisms of action of existing and new immunotherapies in preclinical and clinical settings
  • hypothesis-driven design of new immunotherapeutics and combination therapies.
We therefore will act to:
  • reach out and advertise use of imaging in different immunotherapy areas
  • further spread implementation of imaging into oncoimmunology and immunotherapy research through information and education
  • stimulate new scientific collaborations with related interest groups and scientific communities (CIMT, ESMO, ISCT etc.) that foster all of the above mentioned aims.

Group Review Article

The Potential of In Vivo Imaging for Optimization of Molecular and Cellular Anti-cancer Immunotherapies
Fruhwirth, G.O., Kneilling, M., de Vries, I.J.M., Weigelin, B., Srinivas, M., Aarntzen, E.H.J.G.

Founding Members:

  • Nicolas Beziere, Tübingen
  • Leo Carlin, Glasgow
  • Harald Carlsen, Oslo
  • Jolanda de Vries, Nijmegen
  • Marco Erreni, Milan
  • Peter Friedl, Nijmegen/Nijmegen
  • Manfred Kneiling, Tübingen
  • Ferdinand Knieling, Erlangen
  • Laura Mezzanotte, Rotterdam
  • Wouter Nagengast, Groningen
  • Geert Raes, Brussels
  • Bettina Weigelin, Tübingen

Group Leadership

  • Chair: Johannes Schwenk – Tübingen
  • Co-Chair: Sandra Heskamp, Nijmegen
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