You are welcome to download, publish, use, and share the material below. If you require / prefer other formats or traditional paper material, please reach out anytime to the ESMI office.

Download Centre

Web/Screen Advertising

All files are in RGB colour space, optimal to be displayed on a screen or social media.

These jpeg-files can best be used e.g. for your announcement screens in the institute, for adding it as final slide to your presentations and (invited) lectures, or during any other (virtual) meetings or webinars.

pptx Slide

These PowerPoint slides can be added to your lecture or serve as sole presentation of the EMIM (comprehensive version).

Hard copy / printed material

Would you like to receive printed material by post? Simply let us know number of required items and shipping address. Available options:

  • EMIM 2024 postcards (DIN lang, 210mm x 105mm)
  • Poster (DIN A2, 594mm x 420mm)
  • Roll-up (2m x 85cm)