VALENTIN FUSTER, New York / Madrid
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA & Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Madrid, Spain

Prof. Fuster is President of Mount Sinai Fuster Heart Hospital, Physician-in-Chief of The Mount Sinai Hospital, and General Director of the National Center for Cardiovascular investigation or CNIC in Madrid, Spain.
He is one of the most cited research scientist in the world with his works being cited more than 240,000 times. His contribution to cardiovascular medicine has had a profound impact on the research and treatment of patients with heart disease, and he is therefore considered to be a leading researcher in the world of cardiology.
He has received many awards and distinctions and has been named Doctor Honoris Causa by 34 universities around the world and has been named Physician of the Year by the ABC Salud awards for his contribution to cardiovascular medicine and his current research into the links between heart and brain health.
- Read more about his publications at google scholar
- Enjoy a video celebrating Valentin Fuster’s contribution to Cardiovascular Medicine
Imaging the dead: The hidden insides of mummies and bog bodies
University of Copenhagen, Department of Forensic Medicine

Prof. Niels Lynnerup is head of the Department of Forensic Medicine at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
His forensic and biological-anthropological research comprises forensic and archaeological cases, ranging from forensic mass grave analyses, paleopathology, stable isotopes, ancient DNA, and the utilization of CT-scanning and 3D visualisation techniques in forensics. He is a founding member of the Forensic Anthropology Society in Europe – FASE; Board Member of the World Congress of Mummy Studies; and past President of The Paleopathology Association.
Raman Metabolic Nanoscopy for Studying Aging and Related Diseases
University of California San Diego, Department of Bioengineering

Prof. Lingyan Shi is currently an Associate Professor in the Shu Chien-Gene Lay Department of Bioengineering at UC San Diego.
Her research focuses on developing high resolution optical spectroscopy and imaging platforms, and its applications for studying metabolic dynamics in aging and diseases. She discovered the “Golden Window” for deep tissue imaging and developed bioorthogonal metabolic imaging platforms that combine deuterium probing and stimulated Raman scattering (DO-SRS using heavy water and STRIDE with D-glucose) for visualizing metabolic activities in situ.
The Shi group transformed SRS into a super resolution microscopy with chemical selectivity by developing Adam optimization-based Pointillism Deconvolution (A-PoD) methods. Dr. Shi holds six awarded patents. She won the Blavatnik Regional Award for Young Scientist in 2018; the Hellman Fellowship Award 2021; the “Rising Star Award” by LaserFocusWorld, and the “Rising Star Award” by Nature Light Science & Applications in 2021; the “Advancing Bioimaging Scialog Fellow” by RCSA and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative in 2021, 2022, and 2023; and the Sloan Research Fellow Award in Chemistry 2023.
Nuclear Imaging in experimental animals: Innovating with Basics to Answer Big Questions
University of Navarra, Department of Radiopharmacy

Prof. Iván Peñuelas is head of the Radiopharmacy Unit and PET-GMP laboratory at Clínica Universidad de Navarra, where he is Deputy-Director of the Department of Nuclear Medicine. He is Full Professor of Advanced Research and directs the Translational Molecular Imaging Unit of the University.
In the field of Radiopharmacy, his clinical work is reconciled with his two passions: research and radiopharmaceutical legislation. His research focuses on in vivo biodistribution using molecular imaging of radiolabelled compounds, metabolic and functional imaging using PET/SPECT-CT in animal models, radiopharmacy, and radiolabelled nanosystems. For more than 20 years, he has been working on the application of translational molecular imaging for drug development, focusing on the optimization of resources using conventional radiopharmaceuticals for non-conventional applications.

Basic Timeline
- 24 Sep. 2024 | Opening Abstract Submission
- 19 Nov. 2024 | Deadline Abstract Submission
- 3 Jan. 2025 | Notification to Presenters
- 16 January | Early Registration Deadline