Scope, Relevance, and Goals

The ESMI study group Intra-Operative Imaging focuses on the surgical optical imaging of cancer. Surgical decision making is still mostly based on the physicians vision and experience, however studies show that oncological surgical procedures often lack accuracy and completeness. Improvements in the resection technique are therefore highly sought to improve survival, decrease functional loss, and increase the quality of life of the patient.

We believe that surgical vision enhanced by molecular imaging has the potential to shape the future of surgical procedures by improving the sensitivity, accuracy and contrast of tumor delineation and lymph node interrogation. […]

The study group aims to further advance the development and clinical translation of (such) probes, as well as the corresponding imaging modalities from intra-operative or endoscopic use. This encompasses the development of imaging systems that are able to acquire and process multispectral and possibly multi-modal information in real-time and are adapted to the clinical needs.

We aim to develop advanced molecular imaging techniques and translate them into clinical practice. Meeting the need for improved contrast in tumour visualisation will help to improve surgical and endoscopic procedures and hence the patient’s health.

The group promotes the field of intra-operative imaging by

  • paving the way for an interdisciplinary dialogue to identify common issues and limitations in the field
  • bringing together scientists, industry representatives and regulatory representatives
  • facilitating understanding of regulatory processes and represent the community to regulatory bodies
  • organising lectures, sessions, and workshops to raise awareness and promote knowledge exchange

Group Review Article

Emerging Intraoperative Imaging Modalities to Improve Surgical Precision
Alam, I.S., Steinberg, I., Vermesh, O., van den Berg, N. Rosenthal, E., van Dam, G.M., Ntziachristos, V., Gambhir, S., Hernot, S., Rogalla, S.

Founding Members
  • Alexander Vahrmeijer – Leiden
  • Gooitzen van Dam – Groningen
  • Vasilis Ntziachristos – Munich
  • Kevin Brindle – Cambridge
  • Silvio Aime – Torino
  • Sophie Hernot – Brussels

Group Leadership

Chair: Sophie Hernot, Brussels
Co-Chair: Pieterjan van der Zaag, Groningen

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