BMIC Congress

In 2012 the first BMIC congress was organized with the idea to gather all Belgian molecular imaging labs and collaborating and/or interested groups. Based on the huge success, the organizing committee decided to go continue also in 2015 and 2017. At the congresses all get the chance to present their science, but a lot of time is allocated to social activities, and scientific interaction. We truly believe this is the driving force behind research.

Scientific Speed-Dating

Networking is an essential aspect in each of our careers. Nevertheless, easier said than done especially when you are young and new in the field. Therefore, we introduced in 2014 the concept of scientific speed dating during our congress in Brussels. The concept is that all subscribed attendees are matched to people from other labs, with different expertise and background. In multiple session of 5 minutes each the participants get the change to introduce themselves and their work. Nice to see how people are having such an interesting conversation that when the `gong` rings to change discussion partners, they would like to stay with their first match.

Since it was a great success in Belgium, the concept was introduced at EMIM 2015 and since then took place every year with around 150 subscriptions from all over the world!

Academia meets Industry

In November 2016 we organized a first focused meeting in the concept of “Academia Meets Industry”. Half a day was filled with lectures showing how molecular imaging assists in drug discovery and development. The main goals was to foster collaborations and to show early-career scientists that research is not limited to academia and makes an impact on drug development and patient care.

BMIC Congress
Science Speed Dating
Academia meets Industry