The Committee called for submissions of original work.

All submissions are closed – sorry!

Abstract Categories

  1. Microenvironment
  2. Tumour Cells
  3. Technologies

Submission Rules

  • All abstracts must be submitted online via the online submission system
  • Number of submission per presenting author is limited to one (there is no limitation for co-authorship!)
  • An account needs to be created to enter the submission system
  • Make sure that your email address for the log-in profile is the same as for the actual submission
  • Your abstract must be related to one of the abstract categories (as listed above)
  • You strictly have to follow the scheme below with size limit 2850 characters (incl. space characters), divided into:
    Introduction: 600
    Methods: 800
    Results/Discussion: 1000
    Conclusion: 450
    Acknowledgement (optional)
    References (optional)
  • You are asked to briefly comment on the novelty and expected impact of your work
  • You can add a maximum of two figures/pictures (jpeg, png) each with a limited size file of 2MB
  • IMPORTANT: Make sure to provide data/figures to support your results & conclusion!
  • Declaration of financial disclosure is required
  • You will be able to make changes on your submission until the submission deadline (14 May 2024)
  • All abstracts will be acknowledged upon receipt (transmission report). If you do not receive an automated confirmation contact the helpdesk or the ESMI office
  • Notifications on acceptance and type of presentation (poster/talk) will be sent on 28 May 2024
Submitted an abstract Already?

You can any time log-in into the submission system and check (once set):

  • status of your submission (acceptance/oral/poster, day/time of presentation)
  • confirm your presentation
  • upload of digital poster
  • withdraw or change the presenter of your abstract.
  • 3 April | Opening (pre-) Registration
  • 3 April | Opening Abstract Submission
  • 14 May | Abstract Deadline
  • 16 May | Information to pre-registered attendees (without an abstract) on attendance yes/no
  • 28 May | Notification to Presenters
  • 26-30 August | TOPIM 2024

Keynote Speakers

  • Douglas Hanahan, Lausanne
  • Hellmut Augustin, Heidelberg
  • Zaver Bhujwalla, Baltimore
  • Jan Böttcher, Munich
  • Ralph DeBerardinis, Dallas
  • Jolanda de Vries, Nijmegen
  • Raghu Kalluri, Houston
  • Bernd Pichler, Tübingen
  • Hidde Ploegh, Boston
  • Yvette van Kooyk, Amsterdam