Dutch pre-EMIM Meeting

The DyMIC team invites you to a Dutch pre-EMIM meeting on 21 February 2025 in Amsterdam- sign-in via your EMIM registration & practice your EMIM presentation!


Founded in 2019, DyMIC represents the high quality research in the field of Molecular Imaging performed in The Netherlands in different sites. The Dutch yESMI community is the ideal opportunity for young, Dutch investigators to interact with each other, share knowledge, and provide a framework for collaborations throughoutThe Netherlands.
DyMIC aims to facilitate a pathway for researchers to enter into the molecular imaging field, and help further develop the careers of young researchers. We also aim to connect with scientists from outside The Netherlands, to identify and connect with Dutch researchers.

  • Connect young investigators working on molecular imaging and therapy.
  • Bridge the gap between different molecular imaging modalities in the Netherlands.
  • Provide information and organize events to advance the skills in and understanding of molecular imaging and therapy of young ESMI members, both experimentally and theoretically.
  • Help young ESMI members develop and shape their career in molecular imaging.
DyMIC Leadership
  • Sanne van Lith, Nijmegen (Chair)
  • Vincent Sier, Leiden (Co-Chair)
  • Jessica Wijngaarden, Amsterdam (Co-Chair)

Do not hesitate to reach out to us via dymic@esmi-insight.eu!

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