We did it – like really did it! The exclusive in-person EMIM 2021 took place from 24-27 August in the amazing industrial Lokhalle in Göttingen. It was a tough journey to get there but seeing all of you so excited, happy, and grateful was worth all efforts!
What else to say rather than a big THANK YOU: thanks for joining this adventure, for your trust, dedication, and patience, for all your efforts to come to Göttingen – even taking the final hurdle of the railway union strike. It has been a new challenge and experience for the society and certainly shows the particular dedication of the community.
For all of you who were not allowed or able to join – the next EMIM in 2022 is just six months away…
Photos, Abstracts, Awardees
Programme at a glance
Plenary Lectures
- Stefan W. Hell – Göttingen, Germany
MINFLUX Nanoscopy and related Matters - Noam Shemesh – Lisbon, Portugal
Evidence for neuromorphological coupling in rapid-onset ultrafast diffusion MRI signals - Jolanda de Vries – Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Visualizing Immune Responses in Cancer Patients - Fabienne Perren – Geneva, Switzerland & Charlie Demene – Paris, France
The future of clinical ultrasound brain imaging: reaching new scales in the mapping of the neural and cerebrovascular circuits - Silvio Aime – Torino, Italy (ESMI Award)
Routes to enhanced Sensitivities in Molecular Imaging MR-based Agents - Markus Seeger – Boston, USA (ESMI PhD Award)
Hybrid microscopy: A novel microscope integrating advanced optical and optoacoustic modalities for multi-modal examinations of biological specimens
Parellel Sessions
24 Parallel Sessions were filled with your abstract submissions, each one started with an introductory lecture giving an update on the state-of-the-art research in that field – a particular THANKS to all INTRODUCTORY SPEAKERS!
Wednesday 25 August 2021
PS 01 | Understanding Tumour Biology |
PS 02 | Macroscale Technologies |
PS 03 | Lung Imaging |
PS 04 | Optoacoustic & Multimodal Probe Development |
PS 05 | Imaging to Diagnose Cancer |
PS 06 | New Methods & Methodology in Neuroimaging |
PS 07 | Immunology & Infection |
PS 08 | Cardiovascular Imaging |
PS 09 | Ultrasound & Optoacoustic Technologies |
PS 10 | MRI & PET Probe Development |
PS 11 | Image-Guided Therapy : Pre-Clinical |
PS 12 | Tissue Oxygenation & Cellular Viability |
Thursday 26 August 2021
PS 13 | Image-Guided Therapy: Clinical |
PS 14 | Microscale Technologies |
PS 15 | Image Processing & Quantification |
PS 16 | New Tracers & Technologies in Cancer Imaging |
PS 17 | Optical Probe Development |
PS 18 | Structural & Functional Neuroimaging |
PS 19 | Imaging Metabolism |
PS 20 | Imaging Technologies | from Cells to Organs |
Friday 27 AuGust 2021
PS 21 | Therapy Monitoring |
PS 22 | Immune-Oncology Imaging |
PS 23 | Disease Models in Neuroimaging |
PS 24 | MRI Technology |
Educational Sessions
ES 01 Intro | The Basics of Immuno-Oncology
Chairs: Sandra Heskamp & Tim Witney
ES 01 | Viruses & Cancer – Friends or Foe?
Chairs: Erik Aarntzen, Gilbert Fruhwirt, Marleen Keyaerts
ES 02 | Imaging Probes based on…
Chairs: Danielle Vugts & Verena Pichler
ES 03 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Chairs: René Botnar & Franz Schilling
ES 04 | Artificial-Intelligence-based Image Understanding & Radiomics
Chairs: Peter Horvath & Ronald Boellaard
Study Group Sessions
- KICK-OFF: Joint X-ray/Lung Imaging Study Group
- Cardiovascular Imaging
- Oncoimmunology & Therapy
- Standardization of Small Animal Imaging
- Molecular Neuro-Imaging
- Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance
- Image-Guided Drug Delivery
- Imaging Mass Spectrometry
Learn more about the ESMI Study Groups
EMIM 2021 Poster Sessions
Two Poster Sessions were scheduled with no competitive sessions in parallel. In 28 thematic poster walks, 260 posters were presented. Each of the poster walks was chaired by two chair persons and resulted into an EMIM 2021 poster award.
Thanks for your participation & support!

- 604 Participants
- 226 Talks
- 116 Session Chairs
- 268 Poster Presentations
- 28 Thematic Poster Walks
- 56 Poster Chairs
- 9 Plenary Lectures
- 8 Study Group Meetings
- 3 Focus Sessions
- 518 Reviewers
- 5598 single scores
- 434 Abstracts, each reviewed by an average of 12.9 reviewers
- (…)
young investigator award 2021

The YIA 2021 was presented to:
DANIELE BERTOGLIO from Antwerp, Belgium for his work on “Longitudinal evaluation of the first mutant Huntingtin PET radioligand as a marker for mHTT lowering therapies for Huntington’s Disease”
The further YIA finalists:
PASCAL WODTKE from Munich, Germany on “Hyperpolarized 13C-labelled Z-OMPD enables in vivo pH imaging”
DEVA NISHANTH TIRUKOTI from Rehovot, Israel on “In-vivo MRI mapping of labile Zn2+ in the brain based on fast ion-chelate exchange dynamics”
CONGRATS to all three of you not only for your excellent work and presentations but also for the joy you brought and the tremendously nice interaction!
ESMI PhD Award

The ESMI Award for excellent PhD thesis was presented to MARKUS SEEGER from Boston (formerly Munich) for his work on “Hybrid microscopy: A novel microscope integrating advanced optical and optoacoustic modalities for multi-modal examinations of biological specimens”.