Registration opens end of October 2024.

Deadline for early registration is 16 January 2025. All presenters need to be registered and present at the EMIM in Bilbao.

With consideration for the environment & our ecological footprint

We do no longer use

  • congress bags
  • printed programme booklets
  • disposable cups and
  • carpets.

We are also committed to significantly reduced meat consumption – only vegetarian dishes are served during the day. Meat/fish is served on special occasions such as opening reception and get-together.

Registration Fees 2025

Student member**450 €600 €
Student non-member550 €700 €
Reviewer member* 620 € 770 €
Reviewer non-member780 €930 €
Regular member*680 €830 €
Regular non-member850 €1000 €
Laboratory Technicians member*450 €600 €
Laboratory Technicians non-member550 €700 €
Emeriti/Honorary members450 €600 €
Early Registration Deadline is 16 January 2025

*ESMI, WMIS, and (F)ASMI members are eligible for the reduced member fee. The reduction applies on registration fees only, not on additional bookings.
**MSc and PhD students are eligible for the student fee, postDocs are considered as regular (non-) members.

Registration Fee includes
  • Attendance Fee: Access to Scientific Sessions & Exhibition
  • Coffee Breaks & Lunches (Tuesday to Friday)
  • Opening Reception on Wednesday Evening
  • Coffee, Tea, Water all day long for your convenience
  • Reusable Bottle
  • Excellent Science
  • Endless Networking Opportunities
Optional Bookings | for a small additional charge
  • 3R Symposium – (11 March 9.00h-15.00h) | 50€
    6 CPD (Continuous Professional Development) are certified upon full completion and in accordance with Directive 2010/63/EU.
  • Educational Sessions (11 March 11.30h-15.00h) | +10€ to ensure attendance
  • Bar Hopping Event by Study Groups (11 March, evening) | +20€
  • Get-Together (13 March, 20.00h) | +40€
Optional Bookings | without extra charge
  • Think Tank Sessions by young ESMI©
  • Scientific Speed-Dating by young ESMI©
  • Study Group Sessions
  • Industry Lunch Symposia & Breakfast Session
  • Scientific Industry Sessions

Group Registration & Discount

(independent from / nothing to do with institutional membership)

Discount applies on registration fee, not on additional bookings (like socials or sessions). Discounts only apply for members of one institute or group – come with your entire team!

  • 5+ registrations from one institute = 5% reduction on individual registration fees
  • 10+ registrations = 10% discount
  • 20+ = 20% discount

How to

1 – Send information on

Via email ( to the ESMI.

2 – You receive a respective discount code to be sent by you to the named participants.

3 – The participants register individually via the public registration page entering the discount code. This code automatically reduces the registration fee by -5%, 10%, or 20%.

4 – Fees have to be paid separately per participant. Different invoice addresses can be added.

General Terms & Conditions

All changes or cancellations must be submitted in writing to the ESMI office via registration(at)

Registration fees (less 50€ to cover administrative costs) will be refunded for cancellations received by 30 January 2025. For cancellations received between 31 January and 20 February 2025, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded (less 50€ to cover administrative costs). For cancellations after 20 February 2025, no refund is foreseen. Substitutes will be accepted at any time.

Book refundable travel options! The ESMI cannot be made liable for any refund of attendees’ travel or other individual costs related to the EMIM in case of non-attendance or cancellation.

Visa Application

To check if you need a Schengen visa to enter Spain, please refer to the official “Schengen Visa Information” site here.

In case an invitation letter is needed to apply for a visa, please forward the following information (in English) to the attention of Sabine to registration(at)

  • Your full name as written in your passport
  • Passport number
  • Date of birth
  • Working affiliation
  • Title of (accepted) abstract submitted for the EMIM 2025
ATTENTION – fraud attempts!

As fraud attempts have been reported, please transfer all payments only to the specified ESMI account at Deutsche Bank. There is no subsidiary in any other country.

The ESMI has not subcontracted any official service providers or “Hotel Allocator” companies – please be attentive concerning fraud!


We do not offer booking options for accommodation through our registration system. Please organise your own accommodation in Bilbao- there are many options in all price categories.

  • 24 Sep. 2024 | Opening Abstract Submission
  • 19 Nov. 2024 | Deadline Abstract Submission
  • 3 Jan. 2025 | Notification to Presenters
  • 16 Jan. 2025 | Deadline Early Registration