10th Winter Conference of the European Society for Molecular Imaging – ESMI
Thanks for an inspiring winter school on “CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING”, for the open-minded and fruitful discussions – for a great week in the French Alps!

Cardiovascular Imaging
A new era in CARDIAC IMAGING is showing the heart’s function and anatomy by methods that are completely non invasive. Long-awaited hardware and software improvements allow imaging the beating heart and deciphering cardiac blood flow. Motion correction and resolution recovery algorithms and specific imaging probes opens new avenues for imaging of the complex inflammatory pathology underlying life-threatening coronary events.
Major progress in imaging is made through quantification that turns subjective images into objective measurements […]. All this is happening simultaneously with the development of implantable artificial hearts and accompanying the change in the management and the prognosis of cardiovascular disorders, today’s major killer worldwide.
During TOPIM 2016 specialists from all fields of imaging sciences shared their expertise on new imaging approaches, confronted recent results and discussed future avenues.

Overall concept
Since 2007 the overall concept of TOPIM has been that experienced, high-level international scientists and younger/less experienced scientists from diverse disciplines are spending one week together at an inspiring place and to provide a “think tank” for knowledge exchange and intensive discussion.
Presentations are held during the morning and early evening; so that there are plenty of opportunities for continued scientific discussions also in the afternoon.
TOPIM 2016
Date: 31 January to 5 February 2016
Venue: Ecole de Physique des Houches
La Côte des Chavants
74310 Les Houches, France
invited SPEAKERs:
- Jessica Bastiaansen – Lausanne
- Frank Bengel – Hannover
- Philip Elsinga – Groningen
- Bernd Fleischmann – Bonn
- Farouc Jaffer – Boston
- Nico de Jong – Rotterdam
- Friedemann Kiefer – Münster
- Adriaan Lammertsma – Amsterdam
- Jeanine Prompers – Eindhoven
- Vasilis Ntziachristos – Munich
- Reza Razavi – London
- Klaus Schäfers – Münster
- Moriel Vandsburger – Lexington, Kentucky
- Michal Neeman – Rehovot
TOPIM 2016 Committee
- Bertrand Tavitian – Paris, France CHAIR
- Michal Neeman – Rehovot, Israel
- Klaas Nicolay – Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- Vasilis Ntziachristos – Munich, Germany
- Michael Schäfers – Münster, Germany
TOPIM 2016

TOPIM 2016 is kindly supported by the Collaborative Research Centre 656 on ‘Molecular Cardiovascular Imaging – University Münster