EMIM Young Investigator Award

Application during abstract submission – with deadline 19 November 2024!

The EMIM 2025 Young Investigator Award will be presented to an early stage researcher for her/his/their extraordinary, original, and innovative research submitted to and presented at the EMIM 2025 in Bilbao. Application for this prestigious award must be done during abstract submission (with deadline 19 November 2024). 

Eligibility criteria

  • Doctoral degree was obtained less than five years ago or has not yet been obtained (reference date 11 March 2025)
  • The applicant must be the first, main, and presenting author of the work/abstract.
  • One application per author is allowed.
  • Former recipients of an EMIM YIA are excluded from the competition.

Selection & evaluation procedure

Step 1: The applicant’s abstract/research is evaluated by at least twelve independent reviewers in a double blind reviewing process in regards to: 

  1. Originality of content – Original in terms of technique or application or both. 
  2. Soundness of conclusions – Do the results support the conclusion? 
  3. Importance – Significance of results, potential implication on other work 
  4. Quality – Quality of methodology and data, clarity of presentation
  5. Your comment on Novely and expected Impact.

Step 2: In accordance with the review outcome only the TOP 12 ranked candidates will be contacted on 5 December 2024 and asked to upload a recorded 3–5-minute presentation of their work (video presentation with slides).

The video upload for the TOP 12 between 5 and 10 December 2024 is mandatory!
All other applications could not be considered; no separate notification will be sent!
General presenter notifications will be sent out on 3 January 2025.

Step 3: Based on the abstract, review score, and video presentation, the three finalists are carefully selected out of the TOP 12. These finalists will present their work during the dedicated plenary session on Friday 14 March 2025 in Porto. The EMIM 2025 YIA Committee decides on-site on the winner.

Poster Awards

Particular attention has been paid to the best possible way of the presentation of your posters: two poster sessions are scheduled – with no competitive sessions in parallel – in order to

  • enhance knowledge exchange,
  • provide you with the best opportunity to put your work up for discussion,
  • create a collaborative environment to learn from each other and enlarge your network. 

Guided thematic poster walks are scheduled. Each poster walk is chaired by two chairpersons and will result in one EMIM 2025 Poster Award. The awards will be presented during the closing session scheduled for Friday 14 March 2025. 

Student Awards by Study Groups

Traditionally the Study Groups invite selected early career scientists to present their work as pitches or flash talks during the study group meetings. Traditionally, a prize is awarded for the best student presentation, chosen by the audience or a dedicated committee.


Support for Reconciling Family and Career

You submitted an abstract and are excited to present your work in Porto but face childcare problems that could be solved by bringing an accompanying person? We’d be happy to enable and support your participation in the following way:

What we offer

  • The ESMI covers either the difference between a single and a double room or the costs for an additional single room (up to 300€).
  • An EMIM registration for the accompanying person and your child to enable access to the venue.

How to apply

  • Just send an informal request by email summarizing the need for support and your abstract title/ID along with the names of your child and the accompanying person (data needed for registration).
  • After your stay, we need the original invoice proving the additional costs incurred due to childcare.

Travel Grants

To keep the fees for all attendees achievable, we are not offering travel grants. If you are looking for financial support, you may want to check options e.g. at (national) funding agencies, your University, or companies.