THANKS for a great EMIM 2016 – thanks for your participation, for your excellent science, the open-minded discussions at and around the EMIM!

EMIM photos are available at the fb page – take a look!(open access)
EMIM 2016 ONLINE PROGRAMME incl. ALL abstracts | look inside
The presentations of the plenary & educational talks have been RECORDED and are available for all ESMI members through the member portal

Date: 08-10 MARCH 2016
Venue: Jaarbeurs “Supernova” congress center, Jaarbeursplein 1, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Plenary Lectures
- Sir Peter Ratcliffe – Oxford
The biology of hypoxia signalling pathways - Wilem Mulder – New York/Amsterdam
Nanomedicine and Imaging in Inflammatory Atherosclerosis - Gitte Moos Knudsen –Copenhagen
Multimodality brain imaging of drug interventions - Mickael Tanter – Paris
Beating Space and Time resolution limits in Biomedical Ultrasound - Martin Schwarz – Bonn
Charting Neuronal Networks at Cellular Resolution in Intact, Cleared Mouse Brain by Light Sheet Microscopy - ESMI Award Winner 2016: Peter Friedl – Nijmegen/Houston
Preclinical intravital microscopy: identification and targeting of cancer resistance niches - PhD award winner 2015: Anoek Zomer – Utrecht
Intravital imaging of plasticity during tumor growth and metastasis
Recordings of Plenary & Educational Lectures
The presentations of the plenary & educational talks have been RECORDED and are available for all ESMI members through the member portal
Not a member yet? Just apply here and be part of the imaging community in Europe.
Parallel Sessions
Each of the 19 parallel sessions (except of the late-breaking session) started with an overview talk followed by five talks selected from the excellent abstract submissions.
The 19 Parallel Sessions:
PS 01 | Nuclear and CT Imaging | Methods & Technology |
PS 02 | Novel Diagnostic and Therapeutic Imaging Strategies in Oncology |
PS 03 | Imaging of Neuroinflammation |
PS 04 | Novel MRI-based Probes |
PS 05 | Novel Nuclear Imaging Probes |
PS 06 | Visualization of Tumour and the Microenvironment |
PS 07 | Optoacoustics and Ultrasound | Technology & Methods |
PS 08 | Functional and molecular Neuro-Imaging |
PS 09 | MRI and MPI | Technology & Methods |
PS 10 | Tumour Metabolism |
PS 11 | Immunology – Inflammatory Responses & Infectious Disease |
PS 12 | Vascular Molecular Imaging |
PS 13 | Late-breaking Session |
PS 14 | Advanced Optical and Mass Spectrometry Imaging Technology |
PS 15 | Immunology – Cellular Imaging & Infectious Disease |
PS 16 | Molecular Imaging of Myocardium and Atherosclerosis |
PS 17 | Antibodies, Nanoparticles and Small Molecules for Diagnosis and Therapy in Oncology |
PS 18 | Novel PET/OA/US Imaging and Reporter Probes |
PS 19 | New Methods in Neuroimaging |
EMIM 2016 ONLINE PROGRAMME incl. all abstracts | look inside
EMIM 2015 Educational Sessions
Focus on Study Groups!
The four educational sessions were organized by four of the six ESMI Study Groups:
- Molecular Neuroimaging: From pretty colors to hard numbers
- Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance
- Image-Guided Drug Delivery
- Current and Future Strategies for Theranostic Multimodality Intraoperative Imaging
The Mass Spectrometry and Standardization Study Groups organized educational sessions in 2014/15. All study groups held a study group meeting in Utrecht.
Contributing partner societies
We are happy about the ESMI’s long-term co-operation with the European Society for Radiology – ESR, the European Society of Molecular and Functional Imaging in Radiology – ESMOFIR, and the European Association for Nuclear Medicine – EANM and the European Microscopy Society – EMS! They contributed to the EMIM 2016 programme by organizing “Best of” focus sessions – THANKS a lot!
- Cardiology | Frank Bengel – Hannover, Gustav Strijkers – Amsterdam, Johanna Silvola – Turku
- Imaging Probes, Chemistry & Reporter Genes | Dario Longo – Torino, Roger Schibli – Zurich
- Imaging Technology, Methodology & Software | Paul Lecoq – Geneva, Sarah Bohndiek – Cambridge, Jan B. Hoevener – Freiburg
- Immunology/Inflammation | Manfred Kneiling – Tübingen, Mangala Srinivas – Nijmegen
- Infectious Diseases | Uwe Himmelreich – Leuven, Stefan Wiehr – Tübingen
- Oncology | Frauke Alves – Göttingen, Ferdia Gallagher – Cambridge
- Neurology | Cornelius Faber – Münster, Stefanie Dedeurwaerdere – Antwerp
- Education | Adriaan Lammertsma – Amsterdam & Giannis Zacharakis – Crete
Thanks for your participation & contribution!
- PerkinElmer
- Bruker
- MILabs
- Aspect Imaging
- FujiFilm VisualSonics Inc.
- MR solutions
- Sedecal
- TriFoil Imaging
- ai4r
- BioSpace Lab
- Chimaera
- Eckert&Ziegler
- Inviscan and S-Sharp
- iTheraMedical
- Lumenera
- Magnetic Insight
- Mauna Kea Technologies
- Molecubes
- nanoPET
- pmod
- Siemens
- Waters
- Sanofi
EMIM 2016 in Utrecht, NL

The EMIM 2016 was the 11th annual meeting of the ESMI – thanks to all of you for your participation and dedication for imaging science!
- 620 participants
- 18 category chairs
- 43 subCHAIRS
- 214 reviewer
- 40 sessions
- 80 session chairs
- 101 talks selected from abstract submissions
- 261 posters presented in
- 19 poster categories/walks
- 38 poster chairs (…)
ESMI Award 2016
The ESMI Award 2016 was presented in the scope of the Opening Ceremony in Utrecht. The winner 2016 is PETER FRIEDL – congratulations! All ESMI members had been invited to nominate their favourite candidates – thanks to all of you who actively participated.

The three finalists were been selected in accordance with the scores given by independent reviewers in a completely blind reviewing process. 125 young scientists applied for the YIA 2016. The winner and the finalists:
The Young Investigator Award 2016 was presented to:
- Stephan Düwel from Munich for his work on “Imaging of pH in vivo using hyperpolarized 13C-labelled zymonic acid”
The further YIA finalists:
- Disha Shah from Antwerp on “Transgenic mouse models of amyloidosis show reversible hypersynchrony of BOLD resting-state networks before amyloid plaque deposition“
- Andras Kiss from Geneva on “Mapping of anticancer drug distribution in a rabbit model of liver cancer by MALDI-SRM/MS imaging and fluorescence microscopy